Saturday, November 30, 2013

DIY Stubber

So if you have LED light strings, you may notice that they don’t dim all the way. So to resolve that you can get a cord plug and solder a Resistor (1W 47K) in the plug.  Fill the plug with hot glue, and then place on the end each LED strand.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Okay, great news, sort of…. We found the issue, it was the FM Transmitter. It was causing a ton of interference to the relays and Arduino. We moved the FM transmitter about 20 ft away and it was not as bad. So I am having to make another headphone cable to take the transmitter into the house. I am hoping that it will help.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Small Setback

We have had a small setback, seems that the USB to COM chip is not working properly. The light will still work in RANDOM mode, but will not play to music.  We have ordered a new chip and hope to have it back up and running by Saturday night.